搜索"维" ,找到 306部影视作品
Ed is framed for murder when enemies from his past resurface. Danny and Mike secretly intervene to investigate and take matters into their own hands. Meanwhile, Sam, Nessa, Mary and Delinda desperately attempt to find tenants for their new joint-purchased home, settling on what they think to be the perfect tenants, only to discover they've misjudged the situation.
Gary Scott Thompson
Las Vegas PD detective Max Dillon first arrests Danny, who learns DElinda is pregnant, of killing still missing Mary's dad, alone or with her, until Mitch and Mike prove there must be another suspect. Sam survives her kidnapping by dumping Vince Peterson in flight. Her disloyal attempt to recruit whales as investors fro the Montecito is fruitless, and late since gloomy cowboy Cooper already paid the tax arrear.
Gary Scott Thompson,Kevin Garnett
Picking up from where the last season left off, security realizes that a gun was fired in Ed's suite, as Danny and Ed's daughter realize they have deeper feelings for each other than either of them wanted to admit. Samantha realizes what trouble she's in when one of her high roller clients rolls into the hotel's beach front resort in Hawaii and rolls up a half a million dollar bill and threatens to leave it in her lap, along with the dead stripper in his room.
David Solomon
Now the Montecito has been sold to inexperienced young widow-heiress Monica Mancuso, who had it thoroughly renovated, Ed who stayed on as general manager is worried about the top-secret reopening, especially after two recent hold-ups in Indian casinos, but Monica refuses any delay so he can work in new staff. Most old key personnel has left. Danny now heads his late dad's contracting company McCoy Construction, but accepts to return as Ed's right hand, and rehires Mike -who was parking valet- and Sam, whose clients were deserting her, only Ed's daughter refuses. The boys soon find proof the construction crews have been infiltrated as there are at least two officially dead men and computer chips have been planted to cause a blackout one minute after the grand reopening starts, far more sophisticated then in either Indian casino heist.
Andy Mikita,Gail Harvey,马丁·伍德,提姆·麦锡森
改编自Robyn Carr小说的《维琴河 Virgin River》讲述女主Melinda Monroe(Alexandra Breckenridge饰)来到加州偏远小镇维琴河当护士,她认为这处是开展新生活﹑丢下痛苦回忆的好地方。不过她发现小镇生活没其预料般简单,如果Melinda真心希望以维琴河为家,她得自己振作起来。《维琴河》原著是多达20本的系列作,被列入Harpercollins 200大书榜中。
Ian Leese
Series in which Andrew Graham-Dixon explores the history of Scandinavia through its art.
Harvey Lilley
Dan Snow uncovers the lost Vikings in America with space archaeologist Dr Sarah Parcak. Sarah uses satellites 383 miles above the earth to spot ruins as small as 30cm buried beneath the surface. As Sarah searches for Viking sites from Britain to America, Dan explores how they voyaged thousands of miles when most ships never left the shoreline. He also tracks their expansion west, first as raiders and then as settlers and traders throughout Britain and beyond to Iceland and Greenland. In North America they excavate what could be the most westerly Viking settlement ever discovered.
CBS早前公布了新一季4部新剧的预订计划,近日电视网又集体发布了所有新剧的全长版预告片。作为CBS今年所有新剧中电影咖分量最大的,由丹尼斯·奎德参演的《维加斯》厚重的主题和硬朗的气质无不让人侧目。预告片同样展现了恢宏的气势和动人心魄的故事梗概,看腻了女人间宫斗的剧迷也许可以从男人间的角力中感受久违的雄壮和大气。 剧情简介: 背景是上世纪60年代的美国,Lamb是第4代的牧场主,负责将秩序带到拉斯维加斯,那个赌博和娱乐的圣地。丹尼斯·奎德将饰演Ralph Lamb,他想平静地离开,去经营他自己的牧场,但是彼时的拉斯维加斯外来者涌入,腐败现象甚至已经入侵到他简单的生活。注意到Lamb在二战中曾担任军警的经历,维加斯市长招来他担任警长,并调查一起赌场工作人员的谋杀案。就此,Lamb展开了和迈克尔·切克利斯饰演的Vincent Savino之间的恩怨。Savino是一名来自芝加哥的残忍的恶棍,他计划将维加斯占为己有。 有两名副手在协助Lamb维持法律与秩序,一个是他很有手腕,一碗水端平的兄弟Jack(杰森·奥玛拉),另一个则是他帅气迷人却冲动的儿子Dixon(泰勒·汉德雷)。雄心勃勃的地方检察官Katherine O’Connell(凯瑞-安·莫斯)则从小就是Lamb的邻居,在牧场长大,所以经常向他们伸出正义之手。在拉斯维加斯,两个强大的男人,Lamb和Savino,将在这片沙漠中的绿洲上展开一场激烈的斗争,对于他们俩,都是决不能退缩的。
Griffin Dunne
Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-making documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the spirit of her uncannily lucid writing: the film simultaneously expands and zeroes in, covering a vast stretch of turbulent cultural history with elegance and candor, and grounded in the illuminating presence and words of Didion herself. This is most certainly a film about loss—the loss of a solid American center, the personal losses of a husband and a child—but Didion describes everything she sees and experiences so attentively, so fully, and so bravely that she transforms the very worst of life into occasions for understanding. A Netflix release.
Jon Iver Helgaker,Jonas Torgersen
Set in 790AD, Vikingane features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's the story of people from our time, but living during the Viking era. Of course everyday choices have far more dramatic consequences and that makes for great comedy material.
帕特里克·R·诺里斯,乔纳森·弗雷克斯,大卫·塞梅尔,大卫·努特尔,John Behring,阿文·布朗,克里斯·朗,保罗·沙皮罗,小詹姆斯·惠特摩,迈克尔•菲尔兹,塔克·盖茨,Nick Marck,Keith Samples
1947 年美国的 Roswell 正是全世界最注目的地方,美国军方以气象气球的撞毁来解释这个不可思议的事件。时间很快地过了四十年,四个从外星蛋壳中孵化,并混有人类 DNA 的外星人出世了。他们是外层空间某星系的后裔,为了逃避战乱而来到地球,务求在某天能够有机会再次返回母星。 拥有正统皇室血统的 Max、他的妹妹 Isabel、他的保标 Michael 以及他的妻子 Tess 本过着低调 及平凡的生活,但 Max 为了抢救被枪误打中的女同学 Liz 而暴露了外星人身份,从此他们便与 Liz 及她的好友 Maria 及 Alex 等人于 Roswell 中逃避及对抗他们种族的敌人 ... 本剧集于 1999 年在美国开始播放,以外星人的元素来反影及描写青少年在成长上所面对的各种问题,虽然此剧得奖不多,但其受欢迎程度不弱,尤其是以女歌手 Dido 所唱的主题曲已卖得满堂红。本剧于 2002 年播影完毕,合共有三个季度。
John Behring
1947 年美國的 Roswell 正是全世界最注目的地方,美國軍方以氣象氣球的撞毀來解釋這個不可思議的事件。時間很快地過了四十年,四個從外星蛋殼中孵化,並混有人類 DNA 的外星人出世了。他們是外太空某星系的後裔,為了逃避戰亂而來到地球,務求在某天能夠有機會再次返回母星。 擁有正統皇室血統的 Max、他的妹妹 Isabel、他的保標 Michael 以及他的妻子 Tess 本過著低調及平凡的生活,但 Max 為了搶救被槍誤打中的女同學 Liz 而暴露了外星人身份,從此他們便與 Liz 及她的好友 Maria 及 Alex 等人於 Roswell 中逃避及對抗他們種族的敵人 ... 本劇集於 1999 年在美國開始播放,以外星人的元素來反影及描寫青少年在成長上所面對的各種問題,雖然此劇得獎不多,但其受歡迎程度不弱,尤其是以女歌手 Dido 所唱的主題曲已賣得滿堂紅。本劇於 2002 年播影完畢,合共有三個季度。
John Behring
1947 年美國的 Roswell 正是全世界最注目的地方,美國軍方以氣象氣球的撞毀來解釋這個不可思議的事件。時間很快地過了四十年,四個從外星蛋殼中孵化,並混有人類 DNA 的外星人出世了。他們是外太空某星系的後裔,為了逃避戰亂而來到地球,務求在某天能夠有機會再次返回母星。 擁有正統皇室血統的 Max、他的妹妹 Isabel、他的保標 Michael 以及他的妻子 Tess 本過著低調及平凡的生活,但 Max 為了搶救被槍誤打中的女同學 Liz 而暴露了外星人身份,從此他們便與 Liz 及她的好友 Maria 及 Alex 等人於 Roswell 中逃避及對抗他們種族的敵人 ... 本劇集於 1999 年在美國開始播放,以外星人的元素來反影及描寫青少年在成長上所面對的各種問題,雖然此劇得獎不多,但其受歡迎程度不弱,尤其是以女歌手 Dido 所唱的主題曲已賣得滿堂紅。本劇於 2002 年播影完畢,合共有三個季度。